Thursday, July 24, 2014

My Diary (24.7.2014)

Actually today I no need to come to college,
however yesterday night I have seen the facebook group there Jaden has mentioned that all the members is compulsory to come to college for the presentation rehearsal.
I come here at 10am, and also started to play the game in the lab 2. 
It is quiet boring when you are seeing something same in the Facebook.
Now also same.... Don't know what can I do at ALC college....
I have think before I can go to Pasar which is nearby the ALC there..
but don't have enough money to buy the shoes...
Furthermore, before going out, my sister have say that don't go to buy shoes first, as SUMMIT have discount in next month....
==  So I wait for it and tomorrow I must wear the high heels go to college because of the Presentation.

Nowadays has occur many things about the aeroplane...
Don't know what the hell the aeroplane keep going into the trouble?
I really suspicious about the aeroplane is really got problem or the politic problem?
Because of this kind of problem, our country has face a lot of problem with this!
Moreover, the life of the 500 and more person is pass away....
just can say this year, many person life is died in aeroplane...

Now.... I really BORING AR!!!! 
I really think I just like a boy pattern.. 
not have any "shu nv qi zhi" at all~

I stop here first~ 

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